
Advancements in Surgical Interventions for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a severe condition characterized by high blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries, leading to heart failure and reduced life expectancy. While pharmacological treatments have traditionally been the mainstay of PAH management, recent advancements in surgical interventions have provided new avenues for improving patient outcomes. This article explores the latest surgical […]

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How Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Improves Heart Health

Understanding Atrial Fibrillation Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a common heart rhythm disorder characterized by irregular and often rapid heartbeats. In AFib, the heart’s upper chambers (atria) beat out of sync with the lower chambers (ventricles), leading to inefficient blood pumping. This condition not only causes discomfort and fatigue but also increases the risk of stroke, […]

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